Away from the crowd...

Most people bribe their way through life.

- They pick a profession that pays the best.

- They choose a spouse who brings either financial security or social status.

- They do things which are firmly endorsed socially, financially and politically by those around them. 

Very few people lead their life based on the call from their inner self.

Whenever I ask Almighty, why I was made into a Meditation Teacher, then I always get the same answer: 

To support those sincere individuals who feel lost in this world due to conflicts between their inner self and the world around.

Because they are sincere, so they can't let go of their inner calling. 

And because they still have their imperfections, hence, finding their path through the maze of the world is often treacherous for them.

No doubt, all my students belong to this segment, and so do I.

Very interestingly, in US they have started recognizing this category of people, formally. 

They are calling such individuals as spiritual beings with no fixed religious orientation.

Here, for our convenience we can call them "free-willed spirituals" or "spiritualites".

In fact, US is supporting formal scientific  research on this segment of population. They are funding medical professionals, clinical psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, theologists etc. to identify true needs of this category of people.

I have been aware of as many as 3 or 4 well- established funding agencies, each of which has already put millions of dollars into this work over the last decade or so.

These efforts are indeed throwing out interesting results. They are bringing out observations which are now defining the people of this segment, coming from various walks of life, distinctly.

Moreover, the researchers are organizing camps, retreats, workshops on a regular basis while inviting individuals from this category for experience sharing and shared learning on subjects such as gratitude, forgiveness, memory, emotions, love, compassion, etc. 

They are making movies on associated issues.

Further, while most of these research projects are correctly observing the traits of the people in this unique clan, yet researchers have been able to suggest very few solutions as of now for their various challenges.

Hence, these researchers are now looking at religion for answers to those questions.

Incidently, we in India have many of those answers. Thanks to our ancient spiritual tradition, transcripts and training.

Our great teachers have shared that wisdom with us. We have wonderful spiritual institutions where these lessons are delivered. 

Further, through our personal discipline and yearning for liberation, we ourselves are now trying to take best possible advantage of that shared knowledge and experience.

Besides, in last few years, particularly since COVID pandemic, a bunch of leading venture capitalists have funded at least 4 to 5 mobile app ventures in India, all founded by young IITians and all proposing to do something miraculous in spiritual space from providing virtual darshan to teaching meditation to offering guidance on rightful way of living.

This development is also very interesting simply because there are two levels of spiritual learning. The first is the generic level, while the second is the personalized level.

These apps shall help many to make a beginning in this direction, while work of people like myself shall continue to support them thereafter through personalized sessions.

Incidentally, my work may never witness millions of dollars flowing through the system.

Nevertheless, my work would repeatedly witness individuals making irreversible transformation for good and forever.

Therefore, even when there is no funding. There is no affiliation. There are no sponsors, my work continues to grow simply because sincere individuals seeking transformation in their existing situation keep walking to me with an aim to learn, understand, practice and improve themselves.

From commercial perspective, I am a completely revenue-funded enterprise.

The most recent addition in this initiative has been teaching outdoors, something that I had always wanted to do from the very beginning. 

Thus, voluntary classes in the open air, under green trees, with chirping birds and fluttering butterflies 🦋 around, close to a water body and often in vicinity of a serene temple.

Each of my student has been an exceptional individual. None super rich or ultra famous, yet each immensely sincere and firmly committed to be a liberated individual, as per their given situation.

Thankfully the trend continues...

If I were to describe my work, then there would be 5 parts to it:

1. Listening 

2. Suggesting 

3. Storytelling 

4. Explaining (Scriptures)

5. Practice (Sadhana / Meditation)

People who care for their inner voice have very special requirements. 

Formal systems of society, whether of education or Healthcare or even family may not always be able to address those simply for the lack of awareness, experience, orientation, patience and time.

This is why it is often said that only a burning candle can light another one.

And this is why people like me would always be relevant in this eco-system.

When I used to work in the telecom industry, there they used the term - 'last mile connectivity', refering to the wired or the wireless device (router or modem) which is placed inside your office or home for offering internet, wifi or phone service.

Similarly, I offer that 'last mile connectivity' support to truly sincere individuals who may be looking to follow their inner voice for finding their fulillment.

Further, since this work cannot be done by making big noise and hence, I must stand away from the crowd and work quietly in silence with absolute faith and devotion (TRUST YOGA*)...

... because that is what I have to teach to all those who come seeking their own truth out of their inner calling irrespective of their various situations, limitations and challenges.

Yet, because this work can be relevant for as many as 10% of the people of the world and hence today....

... I am requesting you all to think of and bring forth joint-opportunities where we can work collectively to serve this purpose.

You can use my talents and subject-matter- expertise for making relevant offerings to some section of mankind of your relevance in a partnership mode.


1. We can host training sessions - generic as well as personalized for individuals, families and groups.

2. We can organize workshops or retreats on specific themes.

3. We can use storytelling as a medium to address some specific issue or needs of a segment.

4. We can plan making movies or support an ongoing research.

5. We can simply travel together to practice meditation quietly in some corner of this planet with an aim to achieve God-Realization

I am open to all suggestions. My only conditions... no alcohol, no smoking during the engagement and the assignments must be financially viable for all stake holders.

So... request you all to please keep this in mind as I look forward to your thoughts, suggestions and invitations in this direction. 😊🙏👍

Email: puneet500 AT gmail dot com

*TRUST YOGA is a term coined by Ms. Shanta Madiman, who was 97 years young when she joyfully bid adieu to this world on 2nd September 2022. This term refers to a system of self-belief which lets an individual sustain their values, blissfully and confidently, even in the most testing moments of life or during the process of dying.
