Doctors don't have treatment for stress.


Doctors can only give you some stimulants that shall boost your energy levels for a while; they cannot give you a permanent solution for your everyday stress.

This is because origin of stress lies in 3 factors which are completely moralistic in nature. 

These reasons are:

1. Emotions

2. Habits &

3. Purpose

Emotions is what makes you happy. No one wants to be sad. Everyone wants to be happy. Thus, your mind is constantly seeking those situations or excuses that shall make you happy. This search or struggle to find this happiness, is the first reason that causes stress.

Habits are the next reason. Interestingly, habits originate from our emotions only. For example, if consuming sweets brings me happiness then I am likely to have the habit of being a sweet-tooth. Emotions are mental waves that keep circling in our head, while habits are same mental vibrations that get transformed into practical action. 

Thereafter: Newtons 3rd law: Action = Reaction.

Therefore, improper or inappropriate habits shall naturally bring stress to you in one form or the other, as would unreasonable desires or emotions.

The final source of stress is your purpose in life. The simple law here is that higher your purpose in life, greater shall be your capability to manage stress.

Of course, choice of purpose in life, once again, depends on your state of emotions and habits.

Therefore, only people with clearer emotions and healthy habits would be able to keep and steer a higher purpose in life, while others shall settle for some lower order purpose.

Incidentally, most people can't figure out their clear purpose in life and hence they stay stressed most of the time.

Many times, existence of stress in life is nothing else but search for a meaningful purpose in life.

If someone can understand this simple truth then they can surely change both, their stress as well as their life. 

I recall an incidence, while visiting a leading gastrentologist in Thane a few years ago: the physician was busy reading some pathology reports, as we entered the consultation room.

Then he announced with a wide grin - "these are my reports. Everyone has stress. Even I have. Stress is unavoidable. Yet, we have to learn to manage it anyhow."

Today morning another physician reminded me of the same truth. 

This is because doctors don't have any treatment for everyday stress. Instead, by understanding your own emotions, by observing your own habits and defining your own purpose in life, you can very successfully manage your stress.

This is the only way and this is how even the doctors manage their stress.

This is the truth, while anything hereafter is individual's choice.
